H Street Corridor
  • Washington DC
    H Street Corridor

    The H Street Corridor, a roughly mile-and-a-half area in Northeast near the heart of Downtown Washington, is a neighborhood that dates back to the late 1840s. In the 1900s, it evolved into a bustling retail area that featured the District’s first Sears store. After the devastation of the 1968 riots, businesses left and the area fell into decline until the 1990s, when it began a resurgence, in part due to its vibrant musical scene. In recent years, the Corridor has attracted residents who enjoy a walkable urban lifestyle with easy access to everything from grocery stores to restaurants to nightspots. It’s also an easy commute for those who work in downtown offices or in the U.S. Capitol Complex. The Corridor features a variety of residential architectural styles, including Victorian and Federal row houses.


    • Population 20,000
    • Median Home Price $739,900
    • Median Age 35
    • walk icon Walk Score
    • transit icon Transit Score
    • bike icon Bike Score

    Neighborhood stats and Walk Scores are provided by third party Walk Score.

    Public Transportation

    Explore Homes in H Street Corridor

    • Lower Market 8th St NE

      BR 1.0

      BA 1.0

      SQ FT 735

      built 1914

    • Mid Market 301 K St NE

      BR 2.0

      BA 2.0

      SQ FT 1335

    • Upper Market Maryland Ave NE

      BR 5.0

      BA 4.5

      SQ FT 3065

      Built 1900

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