Bethesda dates back to the mid-1700s, when a small stone tavern was built as a stop for travelers near what is now the intersection of Old Georgetown Road and Wisconsin Avenue. After the Maryland legislature created a paved route between the District and Rockville along what is now Wisconsin Avenue in the early 1800s, houses began to spring up around it, and by the 1860s the neighborhood had a post office, a general store and a church. Just before the turn of the 1900s, developers capitalized on a new electric trolley line to transform Bethesda into a comfortable suburban enclave. Over the past decade, Bethesda has undergone yet another evolution, with glittering new office towers altering the downtown skyline and upscale stores and restaurants moving in. Most of the older, smaller single-family homes from several decades ago have been torn down and replaced with bigger ones.
- Population 68,000
- Median Home Price $1,083,500
- Median Age 43
Walk Score
45 -
Transit Score
43 -
Bike Score
Neighborhood stats and Walk Scores are provided by third party Walk Score.
Public Transportation
Metro: Bethesda
- Ride On Bus Visit website
Explore Homes in Bethesda
Lower Market Greentree Rd
BR 3.0
BA 1.1
SQ FT 1475
Built 1936
Mid Market Earlston Dr
BR 5.0
BA 4.1
SQ FT 3300
Built 1936
Upper Market Oldchester Rd
BR 6.0
BA 5.1
SQ FT 5000
Built 2000
Popular Restaurants
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